Grip6 Makes the Belt That Fits but Doesn’t Flap

A man's hand holding a coffee mug and wearing a black Grip6 belt over dark slacks.

I have a problem; my pants require a belt if I want them to stay on. But belts never fit me right, and there’s nothing more annoying than a loose belt flap. Fortunately, Grip6 belts fix all of that!

To be clear, this isn’t a review of a product some company sent me. I purchased a $35 Grip6 belt over 1-1/2 years ago, and I still love it. I wear it every day, but you can’t tell by looking.

I love the Grip6 because it fits comfortably and solves annoyances. It might be more expensive than a cheap belt you pick up at the local superstore, but you get what you pay for.

Buckles and Ratchets Are the Worst

A brown braided belt with one section showing a looser weave.
This braided belt fit until it wore out, and the braids loosened. Josh Hendrickson

Most belts work in one of two ways: a buckle-and-hole, or ratchet style. You’re probably familiar with the buckle system. You pass the end of your belt through the metal frame, and then insert the prong into the hole you want. If you’re lucky, the holes are spaced apart in a way that provides a good fit. If you’re like me, though, you always get caught between two holes: one is too tight and uncomfortable, and the other is too loose.

A slight alternative is the buckle-and-braided belt. Rather than holes, the manufacturer braids strips of material (typically leather) together, and you slip the prong between the strips. These are better, but the braid loosens over time; you go from perfect fit to no fit at all.

The ratchet system solves this problem, for the most part. You insert the belt end into the frame, and then pull the ratchet to tighten the belt. It’s similar to the ratchets used in cargo webbing on a truck or ship. With ratchet-style belts, you can get a perfect size (or very close to it). However, you still have that pesky end flap.

A belt end flap is that extra leftover bit of belt that goes past the buckle or ratchet system. If you’re fortunate, it fits perfectly into a belt loop. If you’re like me, though, it’s always frustratingly between loops and flaps around when you walk, stand, sit, or have the nerve to exist.

I can’t stand belt flap, but thankfully, there’s a better way.

Grip6 Belt Ends Go Inside the Loop

The Grip6 belt is comprised of two pieces: a long nylon strap, and a curved metal buckle with two slim holes on either side. You slip the strap through the outside of one hole until it catches to put them together. Then, slip the free end through the outside (not the inside) of the other buckle hole.

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