How to Copy and Paste on a Chromebook

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Should you need to copy text from one document into another, don’t worry. Copying and pasting on a Chromebook works identically to how it works on any other operating system, and you can do it in a couple of ways.

How to Copy Text

The first thing you want to do is open up a document or webpage and highlight the word(s) or line(s) you want to copy. Right-click the selection—either with two fingers on a trackpad, with a mouse, or by pressing Alt while clicking—and then click “Copy.”

Highlight some text, right-click it, and then click "Copy."

RELATED: How to Right-Click on a Chromebook

Alternatively, instead of using the right-click context menu, you can press Ctrl+C to copy the highlighted text to the clipboard.

Tip: If you want to altogether remove text from a document while copying it to the clipboard, click “Cut” from the context menu or press Ctrl+X instead.

How to Paste Text

Now that you have text copied to the clipboard, open up a document, word processor, or text box (such as Chrome’s address bar) to paste it into place. Click the mouse cursor where you want to paste the text, right-click, and then select “Paste” from the context menu that appears.

Go to the document you want to paste the text, right-click, and then click "Paste."

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