How to Fix a Google Home Hub that Won’t Dim Automatically

One of the best features of the Google Home Hub is Ambient EQ. But if you find your Google Home Hub isn’t dimming its screen in dark rooms, the feature may be turned off in the Hub itself in a hidden menu.

Ambient EQ is an excellent feature that adjusts brightness and color temperature on the screen to match the surrounding light in the room. When the screensaver is going, the color adjustment causes photos to look like they are printed paper instead of on a display. And when the lights are turned down or off, the screen should dim automatically to prevent it from acting as a bright flashlight in the room. This makes it the perfect device for your living room or bedroom.

All of that is true unless Ambient EQ isn’t working, as in the photo above. The Google Home Hub above didn’t dim at all after the initial setup. And a factory reset didn’t solve the problem. The Ambient EQ settings weren’t turned off in the Google Home app. It turned out that the Google Home Hub has a hidden screen settings menu. And from here Ambient EQ can be disabled, which overrides any settings you have in the App.

So if your Google Home Hub won’t dim, the first thing to do is swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

On the far left, tap on the sun icon to show brightness settings.

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