Best Sites for Finding Song Lyrics

Have you ever discovered that you’ve been singing one of your favorite songs incorrectly all along? Instead of being embarrassed in front of your friends, it’s easier to use one of the lyrics searching website discussed below and find the actual lyrics of the song.

Google: Quick Results for Popular Songs

google find song lyrics

Sometimes, all you want are the lyrics of the song, fast. In that case, your best is to search the song name + lyrics (the song lyrics) on Google. If it’s a popular song, Google will likely display the lyrics of the song inside the search results, and you won’t even have to go to another website. It may be a hit or miss for some older or less popular songs, for those, use of the other sites instead. For the Broadest Selection of Songs

genius find song lyrics is a crowdsourced lyrics search website and a musical publication. It covers new music releases and music related news apart from hosting lyrics. It claims that it has the biggest collection of music lyrics and music knowledge. You can search for lyrics by entering the song name or the artist name in the search field and will retrieve relevant results. You can then click on any song to reach the lyrics page, which will contain the lyrics, a song preview (from Apple Music), and additional information about the album and the artist. Popular songs will also have the lyric translations into a few different languages—also contributed by the community.


azlyrics find song lyrics

AZLyrics does one thing and does it well, i.e., find lyrics. It’s one of the simplest websites to find lyrics for a variety of songs which works well on desktop and mobile. You can search for specific lyrics or choose from the ‘What’s Hot?’ section. The lyrics are presented in a non-distracting, simple-to-read manner, and you will also find the link to purchase the song on the same page. AZLytics is free to use and ad-supported, but the ads are minimal and non-intrusive, which makes searching for lyrics a pleasant experience.


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