The initialism “SMH” has been around for a while, and you’ll often encounter it in chat rooms and on social media websites. But what does SMH mean? Who came up with it, and how do you use it?
“Shake My Head” or “Shaking My Head”
SMH is an internet initialism that stands for “shake my head” or “shaking my head.” It’s used to express disappointment or disbelief in the face of what’s perceived as glaringly obvious stupidity or extremely obliviousness.
As you might expect, SMH is used in any situation where you might actually shake your head in real life. If you overheard someone say, “I don’t use laundry detergent” at the grocery store, you would probably blink a few times and move your head around in shock and disgust. When the same thing happens online, the expression “SMH” can be used to communicate that “I had a full-body reaction to your sheer stupidity” without typing more than three letters.
This isn’t to say that SMH is always used by itself. People tend to accompany SMH with an opinion, like “SMH you’re bonkers” or “SMH people don’t know how to use a Speed Stick.”
All in all, SMH is a pretty straightforward initialism. But where did it come from, and how do you use it correctly?
(As a side note, some people think that SMH means “so much hate.” This is like the Bizzaro meaning of SMH. We’re not going to say that “so much hate” is incorrect, but it’s not the meaning that most people associate with SMH, so you should avoid using it for that purpose.)
Etymology of SMH
SMH was first added to the Urban Dictionary in 2004 with a meaning that’s identical to the initialism’s current meaning. Nobody knows where the phrase came from. Still, it was probably conceived around the same time as the phrase “facepalm,” a similar internet expression that was first uploaded to the Urban Dictionary the same month as SMH.

Like “facepalm,” SMH slowly made its way into the common vernacular. It found a home in memes and reaction GIFs and reached peak popularity during the early 2010s due to social media websites like Facebook and Tumblr.
According to Google Trends, this peak occurred during June of 2011, and SMH grows less and less popular every year. But hey, it’s way more popular than “facepalm,” which is something that we all should be happy about.
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