Over time, the touchscreen on your Android device might start to falter. Before you consider replacing your device, you should see if touchscreen calibration can fix any issues. Here’s how to recalibrate your Android smartphone or tablet.
Does Your Touchscreen Need Calibration?
As Android has advanced and developed over the years, so too has the hardware it runs on. Android hardware today is far better and more capable than earlier generations.
Modern Android touchscreens rarely require the user to calibrate or otherwise configure it. Touchscreen faults are more likely to be caused by hardware issues that cannot be fixed than any particular configuration problem.
That said, calibration shouldn’t be ruled out completely, as it can be useful in some circumstances.
For instance, it can be a good way to adjust the sensitivity of your touchscreen, especially if there’s something else impacting it. Certain types of screen protectors, for instance, might affect your touchscreen performance. This is an issue a calibration can sometimes improve.
It’s also good to try this on older devices where the technology wasn’t as advanced and calibration can have a greater and more noticeable impact. There’s no harm in performing a touchscreen calibration, regardless of its age, but older devices are likely to benefit more from it.
Testing Your Screen
Before you begin, you need to see whether the touchscreen on your Android device is in full working order.
Older versions of Android included secret menus and developer options that allowed you to test and calibrate your touchscreen. This was important on older Android devices, when modern touchscreens were still in their infancy.
If you have an older Android phone, you can attempt to access this secret touchscreen menu by dialing *#*#2664#*#*. This option won’t work on Android devices from Android 5 Lollipop onwards.
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