Before you shell out the big bucks for a 5G phone, you need to check out this map first

AT&T and Verizon currently are the only carriers offering mobile 5G in the states. AT&T's 5G network covers 19 markets and while it has set U.S. speed records by peaking at 2Gbps, it is available only through the Netgear Nighthawk 5G mobile hot spot. Verizon's mobile 5G service can be accessed in Chicago and Minneapolis with 20 new markets to go live at the end of this month. Right now there is only one phone that connects to a 5G network in the U.S. That is Verizon's Motorola Moto Z3 (24 monthly payments of $10 if purchased online or through the My Verizon app) with the $199 5G Moto ...

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