The Best Way to Tackle the LastPass Security Challenge

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If you use LastPass, you should take the Security Challenge. It will scan your vault for compromised, weak, reused, and old passwords and recommend passwords you should change. LastPass will give you a numerical security score, too.

Other password managers may have similar features, too. For example, 1Password has the Watchtower feature, which identifies problems like weak, reused, and compromised passwords and recommends passwords you should change.

How to Take the Security Challenge

Launching the LastPass Security Challenge from Google Chrome.

If you’re a LastPass user, you can access the challenge via the browser extension, on the web, or in the mobile app.

In your web browser, click the LastPass browser extension icon and select Account Options > Security challenge. On the LastPass website, click “Security Challenge” at the bottom-left corner of your vault screen. In the mobile app, tap the “Security” tab and tap “Security challenge.”

LastPass will prompt you for your master password before analyzing your password vault for problems you can improve on.

Improve Your Master Password Score

LastPass Security Challenge showing a good score with a bad master password score.

The Master Password Score rates your master password “based on how long and complex it is.” It will also warn you if your master password matches a password in your vault—in other words if you’ve reused your master password on different websites. You shouldn’t do this—your master password should be unique. LastPass will warn you if your master password matches a password for an item in your vault when you start the challenge.

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